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Differential Pressure Meters Model DPP

Differential Pressure Meters Model DPP

Model DPP is a well type manometer intended for reliable monitoring and accurate measurement of low pressure and pressure differential in applications where good clear visual indication is required.

The well type manometer has a wider range than inclined tube manometers. It is suitable for use in laboratories, high-pressure fans, filters and for flow rate/velocity measurement in the field as well as laboratories.

Differential Pressure Meters Model DPP

Kytola Instruments

Differential Pressure Meters Model DPP


Model DPP is a well type manometer intended for reliable monitoring and accurate measurement of low pressure and pressure differential in applications where good clear visual indication is required.

The well type manometer has a wider range than inclined tube manometers. It is suitable for use in laboratories, high-pressure fans, filters and for flow rate/velocity measurement in the field as well as laboratories.


Differential Pressure Meters Model DPP


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